SQLQuery Builder

CPD PortScrubber

Current CPD Products

SQLQuery Builder

The SQLQuery Builder is an application that can assist in compiling complex queries with little knowledge of SQL. This applicaiton will allow the user to import a SQLite database into the interface, select tables to view and then select rows of importance. This can be from one table in the database or multiple tables. Once all the rows are selected the SQLQuery does the rest, building the SQLQuery with ease. The user can save important queries or import already created queries into the SQLQuery Builder interface. Once ready to view the output the user presses the Run button and the query is initiated against the datbase. The information populates to the dataviewer where it can be viewed and even exported to PDF, Microsoft Word and Excel. This tool will allow the user to have the power to view, uncover and harvset valuable data from a SQLite database. More information...

$49.99 USD

CPD PortScrubber

The CPD PortScrubber is a tool that will free up the COM ports on a Windows system. Not just for forensics but anyone with a Windows computer that continually uses mass storage devices, USB drives, USB devices or any device demaning a COM port. With the hundreds device drivers being utlized by a Windows system serious problems and driver confusing can occur. The CPD PortScrubber is the answer. More Information....

$25.00 USD